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07 November 2012

Introduction to self

 I am a self confessed travel-bug.

WARNING: This bug is contagious and there is no cure.

  • You are constantly playing 'anywhere but here'.
  • You carry your passport everywhere with you.
  • Your time is constantly eaten up with browsing for web deals on travel.
  •  Your bank account is near always empty.  
  • Your time off work is maxed out.
  • Your home is full of a mishmash of decor from cultures all over the world. Nothing you own will ever match.
  • You have so many photos and posts on facebook, it's the only way your friends and family can keep track of where you are.
  • You're next trip is planned before you finish your current one.
 SOLUTION: There is only one. Travel.

 So you have had the warning. Take it from a girl who knows.

So now check out my blog for tips and links and stories to help you on your way. At this point I have already traveled a lot of the world and many times over. This blog will not be in chronological order. It will be in the order I feel like recalling my many stories. If you would like to request a story or a place you want more information about, feel free.


Kali Birks

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